A year of LIFE medCLIFFS

Costa Br

It has been almost a year we started the LIFE medCLIFFS project so it is a good moment to look back, take stock and to celebrate all what we have achieved on this first year.

Here we present you a small summary:

  • We already are 55 volunteers at the LIFE medCLIFFS Volunteers’s Network devoted to the monitoring of the 33 priority species of invasive flora to be managed at the Costa Brava.
  • We have register 1641 observations of 86 invasive flora species, collected at the Costa Brava through the LIFE medCLIFFS Observers’s Network by using iNaturalist as platform.
  • We count on the collaboration of 32 local entities and town councils from the Costa Brava.
  • We contacted 106 coastal garden owners from Cap de Creus, intended to be able to carry out eradication of invasive plants.
  • We created a collaborative work group about invasive plants, with 15 members representing the production sector of ornamental plant and gardening, the touristic sector, the academic sector and the administration, which will create market tools to prevent the entry of new invasive plants.
  • We had determined the current state of Limonium tremolsii, Limonium geronense and Seseli farrenyi, three endemic species from Cap de Creus affected by invasive plants.
  • We had determined the current invasion state of three of the most problematic invasive species at Cap de Creus: the ice plant (Carpobrotus spp.), the prickly pear (Opuntia spp.) and the treasure flower (Gazania rigens).
  • We collected the perception about invasive plants related to the Costa Brava landscape assessment through more than 300 on field and online surveys.

All of this was possible thanks to the involvement of many people and entities. Because of that, we want to deeply thank to all of them the good acceptance that the project LIFE medCLIFFS has had until now.




Author of the photograph: Gerard Carrion i Salip