Latest Past Events

Route LIFE medCLIFFS discovering the coastal cliffs

Parquing Castell de la Trinitat Parking Castell de la Trinitat, Roses

Native, endemic, threatened, exotic, invasive plants… If you are unsure what is what and want help to preserve the biodiversity of coastal habitats, come to the LIFE medCLIFFS route to discover the flora of the Costa Brava! We will observe and learn how to identify native, non-native plants, and those which are invasive and impact the biodiversity and conservation of the cliffs in the Costa Brava. We will enjoy the view of the Gulf of Roses whilst identifying the plants we come across the "Camí de Ronda" until the Canyelles Petites beach. Finally, we will explain how to observe the flora and...

Talk and Exhibition: The project LIFE medCLIFFS. Do you know how invasive plants impact on the mediterranean cliffs? Held by Neus Ibáñez, at Municipal Education Center in Palafrugell

Centre Municipal d'Educació (Palafrugell) Carrer del Bruguerol, 12, Palafrugell

During this talk, Neus Ibáñez, herbarium curator of the Botanical Institute of Barcelona, will tell us about the problem with invasive plants and how these affect the Mediterranean cliffs. Additionally, the itinerant exhibition about the project will be relocated to the Municipal Education Center. We are expecting you!

Lecture «Pretty but complicated: environmental challenges of ornamental plants with invasive behavior» held by Sònia Garcia

Centre Cívic Barri Vell - Mercadal Carrer de la Cort Reial, 7, Girona

Within the frame of the following "Temps de Flors" in Girona, Sònia Garcia, tenured scientist of the Botanical Institute of Barcelona (IBB-CSIC) and LIFE medCLIFFS project manager, will lecture about "Pretty but complicated: environmental challenges of ornamental plants with invasive behavior". The conference will take place at the Community Center Barri Vell- Mercadal and it will be open to everyone.