Lists are here!

A few months ago we told you that the LIFE medCLIFFS PREVENTION working area is developing a series of tools to prevent the introduction and spread of invasive non-native plant species in natural habitats, particularly on the coastal cliffs of the Costa Brava and Cap de Creus.

These tools include the creation of lists of not-recommended and recommended plants, as well as a code of conduct, to be used to raise awareness about the responsible use of plants in gardening and landscaping, thus preventing future impacts of invasive plants on habitats.

These tools are developed in a consensual and collaborative way, through a multidisciplinary Working Group formed by both technical staff of LIFE medCLIFFS and external experts coming from research, administration and the productive sector.

Today we are pleased to announce that the two LIFE medCLIFFS lists of not recommended plants are already available: PROHIBITED PLANTS and PLANTS TO AVOID.


133 non-native plants that should not be used in coastal areas

Both the consensus list and the watch list provide information on which alien ornamental plant species should not be used in areas close to natural habitats, especially in coastal areas. In particular:

LIFE medCLIFFS Consensus List: 94 invasive alien ornamental plant species (70 already legally banned) that MUST NOT BE PLANTED OR TRADED.

LIFE medCLIFFS Watch List: 39 species of alien ornamental plants that show evidence of their invasive or potentially invasive character and that MUST BE AVOIDED IN AREAS CLOSE TO NATURAL HABITATS, IN PARTICULAR COASTAL CLIFFS.


More LIFE medCLIFFS tools for prevention

In addition to these two lists, a white list of plant species that are safe to use, i.e. do not have any invasive potential, is currently in process.

As for the code of conduct, the work will begin in the coming months. It will provide basic guidelines to prevent the spread of invasive non-native plants into natural habitats and is addressed both to suppliers and users of ornamental plants, who will be able to subscribe to it in a voluntary basis.