We hope you enjoyed the Christmas season and we wsih you a full of nature 2023. We at LIFE medCLIFFS are now plenty of energy and would like to start the year by announcing the date of the first field visit addressed exclusively to volunteers.
During the whole year 2023, LIFE medCLIFFS will organise a total of 10 free field visits only for registered LIFE medCLIFFS volunteers.
In these field visits we will monitor a transect and review the protocol for data collection, in order that you will be able to solve all the doubts that may arise and how to collect data with the highest quality. We will also help you to do the time recording and upload the data through the applications we use.
The first first visit will be on 4 February 2023 in Blanes, from 11am to 1pm. On this occasion, we will be accompanied by a membre of the LIFE external monitoring services from the LIFE Programme, who monitors our project and with whom you will be able to exchange opinions.
If you are part of the LIFE medCLIFFS Volunteering Network, save the date and come!
(please confirm your attendance before 31 January)